Dayton, OH

My friend Taylor had a launch party for her new social media business Taylored Social. This was probably one of my favorite shoots. She created this event for multiple partners, stylists, artists, and models to come together and collaborate, eat, drink, and take a ton of photos while doing so. I love being around other creatives and this was such an inspiring event to be a part of as a featured photographer.
My dear friend Sandra from Ghana and I met back in College. I had moved to Andrews University at the beginning of my junior year and she was one of my first good friends I had made. Sandra has always had a pure spirit, radiating with beauty, strength and such resilience. This was a pretty spontaneous photoshoot in Bracknell. We were both there for a wedding. I was shooting the wedding and she was the maid of honor. Sandra has always had a way of carrying herself with such poise in front of the camera and so whenever she asked me to take a few photos of her, I was pretty excited to capture her beautiful self. It was a mini photoshoot, but nevertheless, she was astonishing as always. She also has started a fashion and lifestyle blog and is known as the Seoul Chic. My conversations with her back in College were always inspirational and she has some pretty amazing insight on life. You can check out her blog here --->
Yes, I had the chance to capture my parents in their home and it was probably by far the most fun I had during a photoshoot. I wanted to capture them in their home since this is what's close to their heart and this is what they have built and made together. My dad is a straight goof and hilarious in front of the camera. Don't mind some of the photos below of him being his goofy self. I HAD to put them on the blog. I genuinely had so much fun with this shoot because not only was it hilarious capturing their relationship, but it brought me so much joy to see how happy they are and how strong they are together. They were high school sweethearts and my dad never gave up on my mom. He swooned over her so hard and my mom fell for him because he was such a catch. I grew up seeing how his romance for my mom never died. He was the ultimate romantic to the point where I gagged a few times growing up. But now, I see it as something so truly special, something that a lot of people desire and don't have. I love my parents. They are what I want to be, and so capturing the joy, beauty, and love they have for each other was one of the best moments.
When you experience one of your best friends get engaged and you get to be there to see the expression on their face, all their emotion, and the unsurmountable love, it's one of the best feelings you will ever have. It was supposed to be just a photoshoot of my friend Lauren and Danielle, but little did she know that there was something so much more special planned. We asked the owner of Something Old Dayton if she could be in on the plan. Her role was just to say that the studio room beside us became available to use half way through our photoshoot. When the owner came in and told us about the other room, Danielle walked in first and saw Patrick standing there among a background of flowers and paintings holding a lily, her favorite flower. She was shocked to say the least and overwhelmed with emotion. He got down on one knee and asked her the big question. As she said yes, I was about to cry but I had to keep focusing on the photos. These are the moments I live for and these are the moments I crave to capture - the pure joy and raw emotion we experience.
Being coworkers was fun, but whenever we became close friends outside of work and connected on so many different areas of our lives, I knew I had found a very, good friend. I've always been drawn to to those around me that bring more authenticity into my life and are genuine, honest, vulnerable people. Lauren was that for me and to this day, I consider her one of my closest friends and so I wanted to capture the authentic, beautiful, strong, and intelligent woman that she is. She also is a phenomenal writer and has some really great insight and thoughts on her blog that you can check out here --->